Friday, April 16, 2010

A Jihad for Love

This film! WOW. I need to watch it several more times. There are powerful messages in this film. Last night I also viewed A City of Borders. In that film, a documentary filmed in Jerusalem, the gay community there faced enormous conflict and physical violence. One of the more disturbing aspects of the film is that the gay community in Jerusalem experienced the Christian, Orthodox-Jewish, and Muslim citizens unite in HATING them for being gay. Isn't that compelling? Divergent views can unite in HATE but uniting for peace still remains elusive. In both films it is the interpretation of the book of Lot which is the foundation for religious intolerance of homosexuality. In the case of the film A Jihad for Love, when scripture isn't sufficiently condemning the writings of scholars are used to reinforce intolerance and violence.
I would make these two movies must sees. Even if one's views of homosexuality are different from those advanced in the film, it is powerful to view these films simply through the lens of tolerance and peace. If all the cultures in the world could figure out peace within their community it seems it would be more likely we could find peace globally. In using the term peace I am using a very broad definition, as in the presence of Justice over the simple absence of conflict.
Click>> A Jihad for Love

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

You've seen Trembling Before G-D, right?