Thursday, April 22, 2010

Absurd and logical conclusion - "Birdcage" style

I posted the paragraph below this one on my facebook status earlier today.

So, Larry King is getting his 8th divorce, and Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time. Jesse James and Tiger Woods are, well... you know... Even Newt Gingrich is on his 3rd marriage. Let's not forget about King Henry VIII. Yet the idea of same-sex marriage is what is going to ...destroy the institution of marriage? REALLY?!? Feel free to copy and paste if you agree

In the movie Birdcage, Val apologizes for his mother's obvious, but absurd logical conclusion (referencing the line, let the captain go down with the ship). This is MEANT TO BE very tongue in cheek. I am intentionally being SARCASTIC.

We all know what happens to discarded and blighted neighborhoods once artists and queers move in, the neighborhood is reborn, becoming vital and then the VALUE of property GOES UP. So applying this to the deterioration of marriage values the logical conclusion is to give marriage to us (LGBT), we will work to instill and model dignity, value, and respect. We can create new ways to elevate honor in those relationships. Then once the nation sees that it can be honored differently, possibly others may realize we can ALL honor marriage equally.

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