Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Entering back into the "REAL-WORLD"

Well it's been an arduous path transitioning to the "REAL-WORLD" and all nuances hidden in the expression "real-world". I have attempted to re-enter the corporate job market in what is now economic chaos. Depression or recession whatever this is that the Bush administration has ignored, it's now very real in my life and I certain even more real for those whom are even less fortunate than I. I have to say I do have hope given the presidential election outcome. It makes me grimace when I recall McCain's words that U.S. citizens were better off than they were 8 years ago. 

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lindsey my rockstar friend and UTS classmate

Lindsey is my slightly younger friend from UTS. She and I are in the
same Masters degree program, Theology and the Arts. I'm only just a
little older than Lindsey which makes it really swell sharing ideas
and class with one another. Did I mention she's an ARTIST? I've added
her web site link. Also, did I mention she's a rockstar and only
slightly younger?

Friday, April 4, 2008


Yeah Prom at UTS is today! Lindsey my rockstar classmate [in two of my classes this semester] is my pick for UTS prom rockstar queen.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I am trying out a new way to publish information to my personal web site. I need a more mobile solution so I thought blogger would be a good example.