Sunday, February 28, 2010

Seeds of Potentiality Video

Douglas Abbott
Masters, double concentration in: Theology and the Arts
Leadership Towards Racial Justice

Thesis paper: Art as the conduit between imagination and personal agency.

This art in this installation is my thesis exhibition which is a dialogue with my thesis paper. As an artist I am exploring the role art plays in bringing a new or imagined idea into existence.

The images in this work speak to the unknown within a moment. It may be clear, not clear or anything in between. As the moment grows forward; experience, clarity, understanding and meaning often are revealed. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birth of a Nation; Black is Black Ain't

So I just had to pull out my good good friend Maurice Merleau-Ponty. His essay on freedom is one of my favorites! To paraphrase in the most simple succinct way, freedom is not continually choosing what one is NOT. This book Phenomenology of Perception is one of my favorites! So think about Birth of a Nation, and then try to think about only being able to define yourself by only selecting what you ARE NOT out of the depictions of the stereotypes portrayed. It is mind boggling for me to understand the POWERLESSNESS of not even having a voice in selecting the stereotypes portrayed as the starting point for defining what I am not.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The installation for my Thesis

MY SHOW IS UP!!! Stay tuned for pics, links, and other great details

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Arriving to me, entering into me, passing through me
Sustenance of light

Arriving, entering, passing

Sustenance from all things

Arriving entering passing
Sustenance for all beings

Arriving, entering, passing
The flow and rhythm of life.

For this I give thanks inside, outside, beyond.

I think I wrote this in 2007
Doug Abbott, 2007